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Ensenada, Baja California Norte, Mexico

Lopez Church Logo 3 22 Black & Blue just cross.png

La Cruz Baptist Church

By faith the Lopez family started an online presence and started posting preaching messages for those shut in during the pandemic to listen too. In September of 2020, Iglesia La Cruz was started in the back patio of the Lopez home. A bit unusual for gathering, but very successful in connecting with people in Ensenada. During our first year of holding church services in our house we had seen people accept the Gospel and become so hungry for God's Word. 


In 2022 the church had outgrown the back patio of the Lopez family home, and were able to find a property to meet in. We are so thankful for our supporting churches and the La Cruz church family that donated and gave to the startup building costs. As of now we are still raising funds to build a kids space for our families. 


La Cruz Baptist church is growing and will be a 3 year old church plant this September! Please pray for La Cruz Baptist church and the Lopez family as they reach Ensenada with Gospel message. 

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Reach the lost with the Gospel of Jesus Christ

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